
It might just be that I want to see lol champs win

It might just be that I want to see lol champs win

31 Comments Leave a Reply
  1. I know doom and widow outclass vi and Cait but they were compared because they were somewhat similar design wise

    Something like yone vs genji would make a lot more sense

  2. I feel like in order to make the latter remotely fair you’d have to make it like ‘pick 5 overwatch characters to go up vs the existential threat champ’

    would actually be pretty fun ngl.

  3. I remember watching a game theory like video years ago that states that Genji’s double jump alone would cause destruction of the sound barrier alone and that the act of deflecting 6 bastion miniguns moving at the speed of like 10k rpms gives him some crazy strength and speed. Prolly not enough for our boi the Trox tho

  4. Hanzo VS Ashe

    Ashe just send a magical crystal arrow of death from 2000 kilometres away since she is in-tune with her magic bow and has actual demi-God blood running through her veins.

    Tracer VS Lucian

    Lucian shoots the bitch with **literal light used as ammunition** in order to assert dominance, then with years of hardened experience fighting horrors both alive and undead, just turns her into swiss cheese.

    Evelynn VS Widowmaker

    They eat le baguette and le vin hon hon hon then they both agree to fucking murder British people. *The good ending.*

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