
Tough decision

Tough decision

36 Comments Leave a Reply
  1. People in this thread do not play sustain based champions like warwick. I would give everything for my healing being consistent rather than losing a matchup solely because of ignite.

    Edit: also GW is just a bandaid fix that will only get worse as time goes by.

  2. Give Yone, Kayn, Akali, Riven, Fiora. and Yasuo proper cool downs on their literate spamable cookie cutter abilities that are responsible for their sustain cus Meanwhile Aatrox gets punished for using any of his abilities

  3. If you press this button it seriously destroys every champ that depends on their sustain of heals.

    This button is bad, why?

    Now you don’t need to buy morello can you can spend that 3k on more damage while knowing the enemy heals for 50%

  4. Grievious wound should be more effective but only work on runes/items and not abilities. This will make it better vs people going bloodthirster + imortal shieldbow etc. But won’t make champs like soraka useless
    (Just a low gold player opinion)

  5. Nothing would really change mathematically. 10% more heal in late game

    The course of solution would be this: reduce obtainable healing, nerf the cost effectiveness of GW(so it not really worth buying againts a single kit based sustain or even two) OR change the GW, so it reduces life steal instead or reduces the healing received from outside sources, and life steal is considered one

  6. I prefer health to be a resource you make decisions around. Getting to full hp after a trade kinda undermines that.

    My fix:

    * Lifesteal/omnivamp should only apply to damage dealt to champions
    * All runes that heal you (like Conqueror) should provide shields instead. These shields can’t exceed (maxHP – currentHP) and they decay.

    With the first change you can’t safely heal anymore unless you’re a sustain champion (Vlad, Soraka). With the second change we keep the “deal damage -> more sustain” but the sustain is no longer permanent.

  7. -50% to healing vs. -60% to healing. Gonna have to spin up the old calculator to figure this one out.

    Edit: gotta love the toxic community. I agree that healing is not in a great spot, but you should always be able to have GW fully built by the time these scaling champions can heal a lot. The change needs to be more drastic. Cut out most of minion healing, or cut it back by like 70%. 50% isn’t enough to fix the problem, and I think I’d prefer GW to it.

  8. Illaoi would be screwed. I love the champ but she’s one of the worst in the game and her receiving half the healing would destroy her.

    I think it’s item healing that needs reducing not all healing.

  9. dont know where this is tough. save everyone 800g and strong healing champs like soraka still have decent healing in late game despite 50% reduction. should be overall more balanced

  10. Do anti heal the way Smite does. Allow multiple GW to stack but reduce to max GW from one item to 40%

    Hit someone with Morell – that’s 40%
    Hit someone with Morell and Chainsword – that’s 80%

    Numbers could be messed with but I really like how Smite does anti heal. Makes it more of a team issue to deal with rather than “Oh well 2-3 people already have it.” Also allows one person to go “Fuck your healing” with multiple items.

  11. How about just make grievous wounds what it was going to be last preseason. It was suppose to be changed to where it blocked x amount of healing and to remove it you had to heal more than the amount of grievous wounds on the target. That way you can burst heal to fight through 40% or even 60% reduced healing.

  12. That literally is still more healing than nowadays

    rn all healing is at 40 percent effectiveness because any decent player builds greivous or sticks to the player that *did* build greivous

    So effectively this just buffs healing by 10%

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