
JoJo vs Dio (Manga, Movie, Anime)

JoJo vs Dio (Manga, Movie, Anime)

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  1. Disclaimer: the Phantom Blood 2007 movie is still a lost media.

    The images above are from [some promotional footages which is still publicly available.](

  2. Notably the 2007 movie and 2012 anime take 2 seperate approaches

    Jojo 2007 took a more realistic/serious route from the manga

    Jojo 2012 took the more dramatized/exaggerated approach from the manga

    They both are brilliant in there own way artisticly, and both take elements from the manga, while the manga itself is a combination of the 2 styles, however, i believe DP took the exaggerated route to fit more in line with what jojo would later become, as jojo part 1 is the more grounded jojo part(even though in its own way is still insane), so the exaggerated nature of the art vs its source material will flow much better going from part 1 to part 2 and jojo’s later parts

  3. Studio A.P.P.P (The Studio that did the Stardust Crusaders OVA) also worked on Fist of the Blue Sky (Fist of the North Star’s prequel series) and Fist of the North Star: The Legend of Toki.

    If there’s ever a wonder why their version of Jonathan looks the most like Kenshiro then there you go

  4. I haven’t actually even bothered to read/watch Part 1 as of yet (I know the story though), and man, it makes me sad the movie never came out. It looked like such a good piece of work.

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