
I feel like The Sun could’ve been an op stand if it had a good user.

I feel like The Sun could’ve been an op stand if it had a good user.

31 Comments Leave a Reply
  1. Unpopular opinion: Arabia Fats had a genius strat, his only mistake was parking right next to a rock. If Jotaro, Kakyoin and Polnareff didn’t figure it out then Arabia Fats would have won

  2. Nah the sun has too little precision for its own good. Anytime you try to use it you’re either too close and you screw yourself over or it’s so far that it won’t be able to deal enough damage fast enough. Arabia Fats did the best he could.

  3. if u combine Sun with a White Album user u could have a pretty good due. White album will make the Sun user cool and protect in close combat and the Sun user will protect them with the lasers

  4. Yes, is the stand user wasn’t a fat nexcbeard on a rascal he would have been formidable. If he was a fit ultramarathoner, he could have been scary to fight

    Edit: wow I didn’t expect this to blow up, stop upvoting

  5. Yeah, if he had time to make a cart, he would had time to dig a hole, like the guy with the three wish stand, and put a small rock in front of it, Jotaro could’ve been done for. A small rock is less noticable.

  6. I love to imagine the sun’s user going up against the grateful dead with no prep time, so no box with air conditioning. The second he pulls out his stand he would turn old and die, and idk why but I find that so funny, quickest end to a stand battle I can think of

  7. What the FUCK do you mean, everyone would do the same shit, stand there waiting for the sun to do something, it’s just a fucking fire ball floating in the air what could someone else do to make it more useful?

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