
Could Dio have sensed Josuke back in Stardust Crusaders?

Could Dio have sensed Josuke back in Stardust Crusaders?

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  1. No question he sensed holly so that means he sensed josuke but he thought that one of his goons or him himself would defeat the crusaders and holly and josuke would’ve died so he didn’t see him as a threat

  2. Yes. Because that’s how most of the joestars got their stand is from DIO (in johnathan’s body) getting his stand from the stand arrow. So yes DIO could have known some awareness of josuke’s existence but not know much of him though

  3. It just occurred to me, Josuke and Holly’s fevers were supposed to be at the same time, but it’s clearly not as it was a cold winters night for Josuke and a spring day for Holly. They were both in Japan so it’s not like it’s an south of the equator thing. Perhaps an Araki forgot moment?

  4. Even if he would, Josuke was s child when the curse started (i think he had the same time as Holy). So Dio probably didn’t give a fuck about him since he new that Josuke wouldn’t be able to anything and that Dio had bigger issues (A.K.A Jotaro and Joseph).

  5. Maybe yes, but Josuke was just a small kid who posed no threat to DIO at that time. Jotaro and Joseph were a bigger concern to him obviously. But just imagine an alternate reality where Dio, after having defeated both Jotaro and Joseph, spends a few years trying to track all Joestars descendentes and ends up in Morioh.

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