
[Ollie] Local Zombie Discovers Caffeine

[Ollie] Local Zombie Discovers Caffeine

18 Comments Leave a Reply
  1. If caffeine makes her calm down and tired that sounds like Ollie has ADHD. Basically the caffeine woke up some receptors that weren’t firing in the first place and they leveled out her hyperactivity

  2. This is what would happen if you drink coffee when already feeling sleepy.
    You still feel sleepy. But also feel restless and have a higher heart rate from caffeine. You go to bed. Woke up and feel like a zombie.

  3. But seriously tho, like some coffee would make me get a quite bad headache that I just want to sleep it away , while some coffee are just fine. Most of the time coffee also don’t wake me up, but when I drink redbull it just opens up my eyes like instantly. Might be the difference in caffeine amount the both have

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