
Oh boy let me read the dialogues I have seen 500 times before without any option of skipping it

Oh boy let me read the dialogues I have seen 500 times before without any option of skipping it

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  1. Yes Ella musk, yes thank you for the 3 steaks. Yes those hilichurls aren’t that evil. Yes you are correct you are making progress with your hilichurl language. Now look away , that mitachurl is about to charge me with a shield

  2. The Sumeru daily commission where a old guy don’t know why the fck her flowers won’t grow up….
    All because of a woperflower.
    I already did that 3 complete times
    The only advantage is that most of time you only give some fruits but still , it’s very strange.

  3. alternatively do what Lost ark did and


    Its so unfair that you can go literally years without getting an achievement for these stupid dailies.

    Just let me pick whatever quests i want.

  4. This 1000 times. Npc quests should be quests. They shouldn’t have me asking the same question everyday like I’m trapped in groundhogs day just so I can finish them. The description inazuma quest where the kid donates to shrines is ruined and worthless story now because all I feel is hate when it comes up because it’s 7 minutes of me spam clicking to get thru it’s dialogue….. BECAUSE it’s nothing but dialogue.

  5. Why yes i do love Gourmet Supremos questline being locked in a daily commission where i have a low chance of advancing to the next one…oh and did i mention that it also branches out to Sumeru?

  6. I fucking hate world quests locked behind daily commission completion I fucking hate world quests locked behind daily commission completion I fucking hate world quests locked behind daily commission completion I fucking hate world quests locked behind daily commission completion I fucking hate world quests locked behind daily commission completion I fucking hate world quests locked behind daily commission completion

  7. I’ve only completed the church fatui commission once, godwin/glory twice, Pigeons quest once (non hilichurl), Cliffhanger 0 times, Jade Bets 0 times, Geo Travel Diary 0 times, Good medicine 0 times, Good sign 0 times, and this list has officially depressed me.

    They ought to add a pity system for commissions with storylines (or, at least, npc dialogue).


  8. One thing I absolutely am pissed about with Sumeru is how many commissions feel like scrapped “world” quests with all the dialogue, mini-cutscenes and everything. It seems fine the first time around – when it’s your 10th+ time being bothered by that flower duo or mashing through talking to the smelly tree liquid students over and over and over, it’s fucken infuriating.

  9. I don’t mind having them as one time story dailies. I quite liked some of them, but once you’ve done them, and got the achievement, they shouldn’t pop up again after that.

  10. I mean, I would love to see more daily commissions from Playable Characters like Chongyun, Xiangling, Jean, Eula and so on to make the world more lively. (heck, I would also love to see a Daily Commission from Aranaras) I would love to see Hoyoverse make that a feature but I would hold my hopes low.

  11. Im only missing 5 more achievements divided in inazuma and mondstadt before I can start doing the dailies in sumeru. 2 mondstadt, 3 inazuma. Im ao excited to see what annoyance will come upon me on a daily bases when im there

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