
The failure of the Primordial Human Project

The failure of the Primordial Human Project

The failure of the Primordial Human Project

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  1. killed the twin, the whole abyss would be comin fo yo ass fake albedo

    also, he would get both festering desire and cinnabar spindle and would be dual wielding swordss

  2. “I’ve fought gods and Harbingers, I’m not losing to some fake bitch Albedo.”

    -The Traveler, probably.

  3. Plot twist – Fake Albedo killed Lumine and Paimon and as revenge, Real Albedo killed him. Now he’s left alone with nobody who can truly understand him

  4. Honestly I feel sorry for Notbedo (Nigredo? Rubedo? Citrinitas?).

    We’re the protagonists so of course we’ll win and after his jerkass of a creator imprisoned him for centuries he’ll get killed off.

    I mean seriously Rhinedottir or whatever you’ll call yourself next: If you hate your “failed” experiments so much dispose of them yourself shortly after their creation instead of torturing them for centuries and then making someone else do it.

  5. >!Since Kaeya is from khaenriah or however you spell it, does it mean he knows about the synthetic human project?!<

  6. There’s a part of me that wishes the artist had drawn this such that Albedo’s neck isn’t visible. Make it a question as to which Albedo is the killer.