
Hey y’all! Tell me how would be your “perfect game”? Mine is with a character like the Mandalorian, but the game must be like Red Dead Redemption 2, a game where I can free roam on a very open world, ofc with a good background story and good side characters. Artist of the image is Saby Menyhei.

Hey y’all! Tell me how would be your “perfect game”? Mine is with a character like the Mandalorian, but the game must be like Red Dead Redemption 2, a game where I can free roam on a very open world, ofc with a good background story and good side characters. Artist of the image is Saby Menyhei.

17 Comments Leave a Reply
  1. I dont think I can have a single perfect game, because I often want different things at different times, and some would be mutually exclusive.

    I’ve quite been liking games where you run a mercenary company (battle brothers, battletech, etc) so maybe that, mixed with some rpg elements and a good story.

    Actually, running a mercenary company, or maybe a bounty hunter guild, in the SW universe would be pretty fun.

  2. While not at all religious;

    An Assassin’s Creed style game based on the bible would be lit tho lmao

    Collecting animals for the ark ‘n shit. Fucking up the money people in the temple. Making ur father drink alcohol and seducing him. Battling that angel for the right to stay in eden
    What else
    Cave level
    Playing Operation with mah boi jesus’s body with the stab holes.

    I’d play that

  3. I love the souls games but the obtuse storytelling and labyrinth design of the world puts a mental toll on me. Id love a more ‘guided’ tour through a world where if I put in modest effort I can see everything and get every optional piece of lore. And I’d still get all the fun and cool equipment and difficult combat, just a more focused game that’s more respectful of my time

  4. Kotor 3……instead of TOR.

    Don’t get me wrong. TOR was pretty cool for what it was. But I imagine a game that big, but only single player? That would have been perfect. Kotor 1 and 2 were amazing. Abandoning 3 for an MMO was a huge mistake (in my personal opinion). The devs don’t agree with me, naturally, since they are making bank on TOR. But for me the storyline remains incomplete.

    Not to mention, TOR did Darth Revan so dirty that I refuse to acknowledge it as canon. Plus with disney at the helm, canon doesn’t mean anything anymore.

  5. Gotta be fantasy with a story like dragonage -lore wise- the sandbox and continuous play like Skyrim with skyrims modding capabilities. Include actual sex but not revolve around it. Have a building system that gives full customization. Character creation that can be simple or advanced as hell depending on which option you choose. With combat like the Witcher 3. Having agricultural, hunting, crafting, fishing, mining, and a create your own spell system. And popularity as big as all the games I listed combined. It would probably be listed as adult only rating though.

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