
A resume my wife received this week

A resume my wife received this week

23 Comments Leave a Reply
  1. I worked at a locally owned pizza place, not a corporate one like a Pizza Hut or anything.

    Once got a resume with the woman’s sexual history on it. Who she slept with, their names and ages, and the date of I guess the first time it happened?

    Edit: We did not hire her

    Second edit: it was a hand written resume, pencil on lined notebook paper. She just walked in the front door and handed it to my coworker

  2. This is purposely terrible so that the applicant can continue receiving unemployment insurance benefits, which requires performing weekly work seaches, without actually landing a new job

  3. “I worked at a trucking company” so probably a truck driver in which case they’re probably going to care more about his accident record than anything. Especially when there’s hardly any drivers right now.

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