
My kids inherited my childhood toys, and only my daughter wants to play with “dolls”. Action Man is now loving the sweet life

My kids inherited my childhood toys, and only my daughter wants to play with “dolls”. Action Man is now loving the sweet life

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  1. Happily surprised you managed to even keep your old toys. Getting rid of mine was considered a rite of passage to being a “big kid” in my family.

    Edit: I miss you Barbie Dreamhouse, Barbie Volkswagen, and Barbie Jeep.

  2. So, my wife let me in on the story behind the picture. Action Man is no longer Action man (because that’s not a real name according to my daughter), but is called Tobias. Tobias’ oldest daughter (who btw is Elsa, queen of Arendelle) was having her birthday party, and she unfortunately fell and broke her leg. So, Tobias’ pregnant wife Cindy pushed aside everyone and declared that she’s taking Elsa to the hospital – “I’m taking Elsa to the hospital! Till then, you take care of the baby”.

  3. I used to dress Action Man in Barbie’s clothes. He was Auntie Molly. I’m not sure why I cross dressed him, but it did annoy me that there were no older Barbies. They were all hot early-20-somethings or children. No grandparents or older mums, so Action Man was Auntie Molly.

  4. Gone!! It’s all gone! All of it’s gone, bye bye, woowoo, see ya! One minute you’re defending the whole galaxy and suddenly you find yourself sucking down Darjeeling with Marie Antoinette and her little sister

  5. Thanks for the laugh! As a boomer who bought her sons dolls, this really cracks me up. I was trying to be forward thinking and giving them choices of lots of toys. My poor old Barbie had a lot of “accidents” and had to go to the “ospital” every day. They soon had their own action figures too 😀

  6. This could be the start to his new film.

    retired action man is living his life in a quiet suburban neighbourhood with his wife and new child, he spends his days working in his shed, mowing the lawn and coaching his older sons football team. No one in the neighbourhood knows his past.

    All is well until he gets the call from the government that he’s needed again. Time to put down the bottle and put his foot on the throttle.

  7. Action man has worked hard and faced many dangers to make the world a better place for others.

    Action Man has earned his right to experience the safety and peace he helped create.

    Good on Action Man.

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