
Mum’s had enough!

Mum’s had enough!

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  1. So I used to work in a restaurant frequented by older folk. I was good friends with them, I took care of them and they took good care of me. I would come eat with them on my off days, talk about school, dating, life as a young person friend.

    One day I passed one coming out of the bathroom and he grabbed my arm and said “I’m sorry.” And I was confused. I went into the bathroom and it was a god damn warzone. I’ve never seen such filth in my life. The sweetest, military disciplined old man. I realized then that as you age, you really lose control of your aim and bowels, and it’s tragic.

    Our step mom also yelled at us all the time for the huge messes we were creating. But I used the bathroom by my room pretty exclusively and I never saw this amazingly huge mess I heard about all the time. It was after I saw what this old timer has done, I realized who my step mother was getting mad at in the bathroom she frequently: **my dad.**

  2. I remember i was doing a helicopter when i was a kid so when i was peeing, the pee would get everywhere then my mom saw me and said she would cut my pp if i do it again. I was scarred and never did it again

  3. Completely agree. I am sick of washing the toilet all the time. In my house we have signs in the bathrooms telling visitors/guests to sit to urinate. We have wooden floors and last thing we need is damage from uric acid, never mind the unsanitary and stinking mess it makes when men pee standing up in someone’s home. It’s unthinkable anyone would do that and think it’s OK.

  4. If the seat is down some guys, not all by any means, will try and piss through the seat. This results in urine on the seat. If the seat is up it stays much cleaner.
    I’ve never understood this thing about “put the seat down” being considerate of women (who have to sit on it). It seems to me that women should be insisting that men leave the seat up. It is easier to put a clean seat down when needed than to clean off a filthy seat before using it.

  5. Most men do this shit. It is annoying. I am a man. I lift that ring up, take a piss, and wipe my thing with toilet paper then I flush the piss away.

    It is not that hard. If you can’t aim at that big hole then you have a problem.

  6. My fucking ocd. The first thing I saw was the t missing in fantastic…curse and superpower.

    Also yes, that behavior is disgusting. At least clean up after. Moms are the real heroes.

    Edit: just in case people don’t get it, I agree with what the mom wrote ????‍♂️

  7. Mom needs to learn more about male urination. It is more realistic to say “Clean up after yourself if you make a mess anywhere”. Scolding people for how their body works is a big fucking harmful waste of time.

  8. Hey!

    Here’s a thing: if you sit down, like a fucking man, you can’t miss the toilet with your piss.

    If you stand up, piss squirts out of your penis in all directions. Try to not hit the floor. Put out some paper to test it. You cannot, scientifically, hit the bowl with 100% of the piss.

    So if you’re some kind of “reasonable” or “rational” fucking guy, then you sit down and piss because you don’t want to piss on the floor.

    That’s the truth and you will be angry – but I am still right.

  9. I got circumcised at 32, about 10 years ago. Before I was circumcised, I could never understand guys missing the toilet. My stream was always one single stream I could aim anywhere I wanted.

    Now, I’m surprised by how many times as soon as I start to piss, I’ll have one stream going to the right of the toilet and another going to the left and not a drop actually hitting the water. I’ve just gotten used to the pre-piss ritual of making sure I squeeze the head to make sure the hole is open.

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