
Shoutout to the cool DMs who let this kind of bullshittery happen

Shoutout to the cool DMs who let this kind of bullshittery happen

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  1. You don’t betray your party because you’re friends and you trust eachother.

    I don’t betray my party because it’s useful to have a crew of easily manipulated, murderous idiots on your side.

    We are not the same.

  2. This reminds of my campaign where the players are all spies from different countries investigating the same city that got pulled into the ocean. They have to stay together for safety, but are all aware that they will betray each other at the drop of a hat.

    One has to figure out why the city went into the ocean. Another needs to stop that from happening. The third wants everybody to be eaten by his mind flayer patron.

    And then there’s the druid who just wants to live

    Edit: one of my players actually follows me on here.

    Karma get outta here >:(

  3. I’m running Rime of the Frostmaiden and one of my players is secretly a warlock of the BBEG, Auril. So far she poisoned the entire party and just killed a favored NPC and they haven’t caught on yet. They will very soon, no doubt. I’m practicing my evil DM cackle. ????

  4. Just remember, if your character fully betrays their party that trusted them, they will canonically end up in hell when they die – the worst circle of hell is for betrayers. So they have that to look forward to as their reward I guess.

  5. Gonna pull this in my campaign. Players started in the slave trade after their town got attacked. 2 of them are brother from different dads. One was dark dragonborn, the other aasimar. The players have been missing for years now though so I was gonna make the black dragon catch wind and become furious That something of his was taken, so he will go rogue (change to good) to frantically find his kid. Whereas the angel, guilt ridden that he wasn’t there, will fall as a blackguard. They are gonna have to figure out what to do though when the kingdom wants them to kill a rampaging dragon or when they find out that the former angel is the bbeg’s right hand.

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