
Everyone already knows.

Everyone already knows.

Everyone already knows.

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  1. Reminds me of that one skyrim poop video. A guy pretended to trip. He immediately looked at a nearby guard and said “I hope no one RIPS OFF MY PANTS AND RAVAGES THE AREA.”

  2. Murderhobo Party: “We have come to slay you and plunder your hoard, foul beast!”

    Dragon: “Oh thank Tiamat. Somebody who isn’t just trying to fuck me for once.”

  3. The relationship started when the dragon was polymorphed into a human but they got more serious and the dragon revealed itself expecting disgust and fear but the wizard was just like: “Jackpot!”

  4. And now i want to read a Story/watch a show/play a campaign about the Wizard and his Dragon GF trying to work on their relationship issues in a counseling session with the Cleric and the Bard

  5. Dragon: “Also, I’m becoming less and less comfortable with this raceplay stuff if I’m being honest.”

  6. If someone is interested in stuff like this there is a good webtoon I know of. It’s called Mage and demon Queen