
Does healing boost or erase gains?

Does healing boost or erase gains?

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  1. Greater Restoration removes levels of Exhaustion, so that could theoretically achieve what Jesse’s getting at.

    Still not sure which of his options would be the outcome though; I’d have to ask his DM.

  2. I think it magically fuses things back together. Muscle growth is caused by growing a bit more muscle to repair the damage, so simply fusing fibers back together would erase the gains

    Different tables could of course decide it magically enhances healing for an instant, letting your body instantly repair the damage and thus “boost the gains”

    I want to say the latter doesn’t make as much sense because it can heal wounds that wouldn’t normally recover, but that’s not the case. A lost limb won’t regrow and can’t be healed. Anything healing spells can repair can also be achieved by resting, and there’s no comment on whether it leaves scars. So I guess I’m fine either way depending on how the table decides healing is achieved

  3. I would say that healing, whether you consider the necessary healer to be cure wounds or greater restoration, would end up depending on your ruling of if wounds leave scars after a person receives magical healing. If they don’t then the person’s gains are erased as that shows that the magic returns the flesh to the state it was in before being wounded whereas if scars are left that shows that it heals the body in a way similar to how it would heal itself over time.

    I would personally argue that greater restoration would be the necessary spell because I personally don’t view cure wounds as something that actually closes up your wounds. Rather it stops your bleeding from the various minor cuts, scrapes, and bruises you receive in battle, offers pain relief, and restores your stamina to some degree. This is because I view hp as a cumulative total of minor wounds, loss of stamina, and ability to remain conscious through pain and loss of blood rather than taking increasingly severe injuries where for some reason getting stabbed at lvl 1 means death but getting stabbed at lvl 20 for the same amount or more amounts to little more than an inconvenience.

  4. Look, If you want to play a War Cleric you don’t need to jump through the overthink hoops. It’s fine, but… that seems like a waste of a spell slot too me. Like… what.. a barbell get’s dropped on you worst case scenario right? Maybe a good use of cure wounds. Otherwise, what’s wrong with healing word? And why is that barbarian filling a needle with a healing potion?

  5. The different discussions with this comes from the fact that we’re used to think HP = Damage

    Cause they’re HIT points clearly

    But in reality, something that would make much more sense, is that the only attack that ACTUALLY contacts your body is the one that gets your HP to 0

    As in hitpoints arent exactly how hit you are but instead a buffer be it stamina and reflex or sheer luck that causes near misses or impacts on protected parts

    And once you run out of hit points youre *actually* hit and suffer damage.

    So most of the time a healing spell is band-aid scratches and bruises, giving you a gatorade and magically removing the lactic acid from your body

    But it only CLOSES a wound if you’re at 0 HP, as in stiches back a ruptured stomach and mends broken bones

    (Hence why a long rest “heals” you back up, your character wasnt really all mangled, just… very very tired)

    *SO* in conclusion, using healing to restore stamina post training would make sense and it shouldnt erase progress just speed up recovery

    Technically working out with a ring of regeneration on is key to be fucking BUILT

    Would this be enough to give you an ASI or actual stat boost?

    No, we have rules for that

    This is flavour discussion only lol

  6. Bruh there’s 1 spell the OP and every commenter so far has forgotten about; mending. The spell says you can mend and object that’s been torn as long as the tear is smaller than 1 foot in any dimension, it then lists some examples of weapons and items ect. But it never specifically says you can’t use it on body parts, it just says object. Muscles are an object so you could just use mending to fix up the tears, which is what your body does naturally the spell would just do it quicker

  7. I like to flavor it that spells like cure wounds are more like a really powerful pain killer. It helps against the pain, making it that you can take more hits before collapsing from it, but in the end the body has to recover by itself. Which is why cure wounds doesn’t help against broken bones or reattaching bodyparts.

  8. It’s accelerated natural healing? I’d assume this because when your pc dies you have to be jump started at that point, healing no longer works because it’s no longer an injury you can healing naturally from?

  9. Working out does nothing unless it comes with an ASI. So no, healing magic doesn’t accelerate that nothing. Or it does. Hard to say, since it’s still nothing either way

  10. Agreed, but spell slots would be used, so this wouldn’t be as effective as he’s imagining since it sounds like in theory we’re talking about a low level class with only a few spell slots.

    Also, everyone is talking about exhaustion, but that’s not what he’s saying ether. He’s talking about restoring the damage caused by the exercise. The exhaustion would probably still be there, unless, like one of the other commenters said, Greater Restoration was used.

    So, he could get benefits immediately from exercise. Wether or not he ACTUALLY wants to keep going from all that exhaustion is another question. Would probably be a will save

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