
Why throw just one mimic at a party?

Why throw just one mimic at a party?

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  1. Had an undead rat leap out of a chest underneath a pile of coins and at one of the party members. The Rat had an alarm bell on it, awakening all of the undead in the nearby.

    That said if they were able to open the chest quietly I had the rat be asleep but given their strategy was to pick up the chest and yeet it at the wall, yeah.

  2. In the course of our dungeoneering career, we thought we’ve seen it all.

    We’ve seen the orc treasure box that had a spitting cobra inside as a security measure.

    I’ve seen trapped chests. I’ve seen chests with construct guardians. I’ve seen chests covered in hazardous mold. I’ve seen mimics. I’ve seen so many things.

    One of the greatest betrayals of my life was when we opened these chests in one ruin, saw a huge pile of coins, and then the coins shifted and uncoiled as it turned out that the coins were the scales of some sort of poisonous dungeon centipede. I’ve seen so many means of making getting into the loot dangerous but it broke my withered damn heart to have the loot itself turn on me like that.

  3. I had a section of a dungeon full of chests, about half of them were mimics. My group was so paranoid after that that they put all the loot in a spare bag of holding so they could go through it later looking for baby mimics. Later in the same dungeon after they hadn’t seen any mimics for a while they went to open a door without poking it with a stick first.

    I ended that session with the door chomping down as another person was engulfed by the gelatinous cube they hadn’t noticed behind them XD.

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