
In 3.x they (along with Bladesingers, Green Star Adepts, Spellswords and Hexblades) are Outgished by the Duskblades. In Pathfinder they are Outgished by the Magus and in 5e they are outgished by Bladesingers, Paladins and Hexblades.

In 3.x they (along with Bladesingers, Green Star Adepts, Spellswords and Hexblades) are Outgished by the Duskblades. In Pathfinder they are Outgished by the Magus and in 5e they are outgished by Bladesingers, Paladins and Hexblades.

9 Comments Leave a Reply
  1. Had an EK once. Our party was imprisoned, stripped of our gear. Rogue managed to keep his skyrim single lockpick, nat20 to pick the lock (me and rogue in one cell, cleric sorc in another) DM kind of irritated we didn’t wait to talk to the jailor, sends in two guards with batons to subdue us.

    The look on his face when I use the EK feature to materialize the greatsword was priceless, I reckon he forgot about the feature. What would have been a 20 minute jail RP turned into a hostage crisis, was a great time, EK 10/10

  2. I see what you’re saying—but I’m not sure Bladesinger makes for a “better” Gish. I really like mixing magic and martials, so I review these things a lot.

    Bladesinger is only good for one thing—if you have a character concept that clicks with a low-HP, AC focused, state-based, spellbook-owning, Finesse weapon wielding, Light/Mage armor wearing build. Like, sometimes that can be fun for some people, but that’s a ridiculously narrow slice of the Martial world.

    EK gets you (barely) enough spellcasting to be fun, but it is a good expansion on base Fighter. Full weapon selection, full armor selection, freer stat selection, extra ASI/feat flexibility—just pick some spells that’ll be fun, and use that to support/enhance your base Fighter characteristics. A fighter with even just a few cantrip can be a great and versatile experience to play as, or along side.

    I was pleasantly surprised by Swords Bard, funnily enough. It’s a bit more of a compromise between a Bladesinger and a Battlemaster, funnily enough.

  3. It is bullshit that Bladesingers were rewritten to get an objectively better version of EKs war magic

    It’s tragic enough that EKs spellcasting is so weak that they don’t really Gish but that’s just double the sadness.

    Magus is such a perfect Gish for me, it’s pretty much how I ideally view a Gish, being able to magic and fight at roughly equal levels, some form of mixing of the fighting and magic through spells or abilities

    And a decent offensive casting capacity and I can even use it with strength unlike Bladesingers being hard locked to fucking Dex

  4. Man, Paladins would be awesome gishes if they didn’t come with extremely specific flavoring that most DMs will probably fight you on if you don’t want anything to do with roleplaying oaths.

  5. I remember there was a sorcerer type class where you had less castings, armor proficiency, more hp, and martial weapons while having full 9th level casting. I think it was warmage or something like that.

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