
So useful yet so disappointed

So useful yet so disappointed

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  1. I mean…. they are kind of. Moving through difficult terrain when it’s made from rocks makes sense and controlling the ground around you to cover tracks and make steps less noisy is pretty logical as well.

  2. Yeah, I was making a spreadsheet with all the races and their traits recently and it really stands out how bad non-fire Genasi are. Air gets just 1/day Levitate and the ability to hold their breath. wtf.

  3. I have Genasi as one of the more common races in my homebrew setting, and here are the things I did to balance them.

    Air Genasi get the Gust cantrip, Gust of Wind spell, and the Levitate spell on themselves

    Earth Genasi get Mold Earth, Earth Tremor, and Meld Into Stone

    Fire Genasi get Produce Flame, Burning Hands, and Continual Flame

    Water Genasi get Shape Water, Purify Food and Drink (on liquids only), and Create or Destroy Water.

    I decided to give them all more utility spells than combat spells to hopefully encourage more creativity from my players

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