
Mistakes were made

Mistakes were made

Mistakes were made

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  1. Yup, see rookie mistake there. The Venn Diagram of people who are super kinky, people who roleplay, and people who Larp…. is just a circle. Proof? Sure:

    DM: Oooooo this torture device would be perfect for my dungeon.

    Dominatrix: Oooooo this torture device would be perfect for my dungeon.

    Larp Game Master: Oooooo this torture device would be perfect in the dungeon.

  2. “Narf!”

    “Please. You mustn’t say the Safe Word out loud, or risk losing our entire horde of enthralled sex slaves. We’ll need them later. …Wait a minute. Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

    “I tink so, Bwain. But eff we put togevva a cunga line that long how will the rear ‘ear the music?”

    “No you numbskull. By this time tomorrow night the entire realm will be facing the music. MY MUSIC! And it will be made of the cracks of my whips, and it will be glorious!!”

    “Zounds lot like Devo to me. Hmmmm… Wot are we gunna do tomorro’ nite Bwain?”

    “The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world!”

  3. New campaign idea: This dominatrix, despite being extremely kinky and power-hungry, also despises suffering of all kinds (except BDSM), so she seeks to conquer the world in order to end it and enlists the players to help.

  4. Did something similar once. My BBEG was a necromancer whom was planing to conquer the world. The player party were going to fight a mini boss, during the intro i did the typical “submit or die” speech. To my surprise the players said yes.

    Which was funny because i was planning a massive seige on the necromancers castle. Which still happenend, but the players were on the intended losing side, so i tried to make them either tip the scales for the BBEG or find escape paths.
    They kinda refused to do anything and just waited for the paladin army to kill them all.

    One submitted to the palas, one found a group of witches when they were about to teleport out of there, two players died i the fighting. While the last was turned into a Monster ogre thing by BBEG and flew away. Leaving the Necromancer to die by the Palas.

  5. Wait, there’s a DM out there that missed all the guys who want to play drow men? Not Drizzt little niceguys, either…

  6. character who’s a sub but fights with everything they have to protect your right to choose: top or bottom

  7. That is actually my group. lol

    I had an enemy for them that used control person on them.

    And allowed them to have control over their characters. And they basically tore each other apart.

    They were basically waiting on an excuse to fight each other.

    And its why Im going to make a tournament arc for their characters.

  8. Heh, I did something similar once by creating a Fey Villainess that hits those kind of anime tropes some of my players’ are really horny for (Think of an evil Nagataro).

    …and then I gave her the trait that she finds humanoid intimacy and particularly repdroduction to be absolutely repugnant.

  9. That’s why you’ll never achieve anything with only subs. You need your own dom(me) to lead them