
[OC] Super Saiyan Blue Goku (almost dropped this on sketch but finished it!)

[OC] Super Saiyan Blue Goku (almost dropped this on sketch but finished it!)

32 Comments Leave a Reply
  1. Hey mate, your effects and hair are brilliant and theres a lot you could do with the expression to really push your pieces upward. Its useful to plan out the head/face with a circle and basic cross, as the face is looking a bit scrunched. I think it may be because you’re not spending enough time on the sketch stage. The sketch is useful for this planning, since its what your finished piece will be based on and any mistakes will linger.

    [Hope you don’t mind, i did a redline sketch to give you an idea of feature placement.](

    The main focus of Toriyamas characters are the large eyes, and having them set inside the head really helps to convey depth. Draw a basic cross on the skull, and plot in the eyes with the brow and work your way out from there.

    You’ll want to make the ears a little bit bigger, too. They help frame the face and plan out the hairline. The top of the ear always matches the height of the eyebrow (near enough)

    The edge of the eyebrow is where the line changes to become the forehead, its a useful way to get the side of the face lined up with the eyes and ears.

    Also, use lots of reference. Nothing wrong with it. I usually have a bunch of [these]( on my other monitor so i have something guiding me. At some point, you will be able to do away with the references and draw any angle from memory.

    Overall, love your piece and looking forward to seeing more. Love that you kept the flowy hair like old DBZ.

  2. The title says super saiyan. But that face says super sour ????

    Real talk tho that coloration is amazing wow. And the hair, dang.
    I always preferred SSJB with that darker shade.

  3. I think you should save this for if you ever do animation. I can see what your point is but I’d counter that this face and image make perfect sense as a single frame of a piece of movement. I’d honestly think I was looking from a still frame of the last movie. Your drawing is genuinely that good. Just food for thought and words of encouragement

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