
Gohan Black (Drawn by Me)

Gohan Black (Drawn by Me)

Gohan Black (Drawn by Me)

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  1. This would have made it a much better arc…could have been an opportunity to show the fans how strong Gohan would’ve been if he kept training

  2. As much as I liked Goku Black, I would’ve loved to seen Future Gohan Black as the main villain. Would’ve been way more impactful for Trunks since it’s his best friend and mentor who’s body Zamasu took and it would make sense for Zamasu to take a body of a Saiyan hybrid with more potential to be unlocked. The drawing itself is really well done.

  3. Who would actually be even more OP honestly. Gohan with an unleashed personality would wreck everyone

  4. We already had the original evil version of Goku with Turles, so I love the concept of Gohan Black. It definitely would’ve been interesting to have Gohan Black instead of Goku Black. I always felt like Gohan wasn’t taken serious after the Cell arc. During the Buu arc when he became Ultimate Gohan there was some hope, but that quickly ended. No doubt Gohan Black would’ve been a strong villain.

  5. reference: [](

  6. Although Gohan black could have been a great villian I still think Goku black is as good it showed what Goku could have been.