
Whatever happened to the Trunks of the main timeline? We always see Future Trunks (Xeno or Super) and Goten but NEVER the main Trunks, how so?

Whatever happened to the Trunks of the main timeline? We always see Future Trunks (Xeno or Super) and Goten but NEVER the main Trunks, how so?

16 Comments Leave a Reply
  1. Goku lookin like some military detective

    Vegeta lookin like some police detective

    goten lookin like some martial arts champion?

    trunks sporting that sword art online type of look/

    Gohan sporting that fancy midnight detective look

    this is not a joke this is pure preference

  2. Counter question. Why the fuck can’t we get Gohan throwing hands while lookin this fancy? Dude wants to be a scholar? Fine. Train to be ready at any moment so you can have a fight in the dress shirt, tie, and slacks.

  3. Main trunks was killed by Cell. After he returns to the future after going back in time to save Goku, he defeats the Androids, and is subsequently killed by Cell after trying to take yet another trip back in time. That version of the timeline is what brings Cell to the past in the first place. Kind of convoluted, but it makes sense.

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