
I have never seen the good guys get shit on as hard as the do in this fucking manga.. it honestly hurts to read.. but the story is fucking peak

I have never seen the good guys get shit on as hard as the do in this fucking manga.. it honestly hurts to read.. but the story is fucking peak

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  1. Heart wrenching. I love how even the demons have backstories to them. Like they are not just straight up villains, but there is a strong reason why they turned out the way they did.

  2. I like how pretty much every arc after the first couple ends with most or all of the main characters from that arc so badly beaten up and injured that they have to spend time recuperating and going through physical rehab to get back in fighting shape.

    When the action is happening, the characters are able to push through exhaustion, broken bones, and massive flesh wounds thanks to adrenaline and sheer willpower. But once things calm down they always end up needing to face the reality of their injuries.

  3. It makes sense too. Ultimately the story is about being human, the nature of humanity, and how precious life is. While the Hashiras are amazing, they’re only amazing by human standards. They know they’re likely to die. But the story makes it clear that while they have such a major weakness, they’re incredibly strong in a way that matters.

    Demons obsess over being powerful, living longer and growing stronger. They’ve lost a major component of their humanity by becoming (essentially) immortal and having supernatural strength/abilities. Muzan himself actively rejects humanity. But ultimately it’s what decided which side would win.

  4. Yeah, that’s true, but on the other hand, that’s kind of the point.

    But there’re several aspects that set the narrative to a much darker undertone. The demon slayer corps, isn’t a government-recognized institution. So, they can’t just divulge the truth to humanity and expect people to volunteer and put their lives on the line, in order to slay demons. All they can do, is accept the children that have seen their families torn apart by demons, and give them a new home, a new family and a purpose. Essentially, about +80% of the institution, is composed of these inexperienced children. And then, demons are much more powerful than ordinary humans, so, the chances of survival are always slim.

    The last arc of the manga is an absolute blood bath. It was actually hard for me to keep reading, because of how dark it gets and how many of the children sacrifice themselves. But it’s like Tamayo tells Muzan: “just like he will do anything to destroy the demon slayer corps, they will do anything to destroy him.”

  5. I have a co-worker who’s a manga reader and keeps wanting to talk about story not yet in the anime and I have to keep reminding her I’m a watcher pleb that — even worse — has to wait for the dubs.

    She is showing great restraint.

  6. There are a couple. Of course you’ve got manga where good guys, or at least innocent ones, are killed left and right: Gantz, Chainsaw Man, certain parts of Jojo. But in terms of heroes fighting ruthlessly to achieve their goal, yet to be denied anyway, I think One Punch man does a pretty good job, and while I’m not caught up yet, it seems MHA is going down a similar root

  7. Pretty long way to read, plus the story is kinda gory. But yeah, the manga is pretty amazing. I haven’t read it yet since I’m usually watching the anime, but the manga has a lot insane scenes that the anime doesn’t have. The manga was released since 2016 btw, which no one cared about, but they noticed it starting 2020 when the anime was so popular.

  8. And that’s the main thing I love about demon slayer. The author was not afraid to kill off main characters… heck we literally >! lost Rengoku straight away !< . It really add realism, that important people are not immune to death, and I think it definitely makes the demons more threatening.

  9. I have no complaints about them being killed since it serves a purpose to the plot. A small, tiny nitpick of mine is that I personally felt that we don’t get to spend enough time with the Hashiras. I know it’s a fast paced story with the manga (understandably) ending the way it did, but I wish we could see more of the hashiras when they aren’t on the clock for their jobs. I know the environment of the job they signed up for, but it’ll be nice to see them more in scenarios with little/zero demon involvement.

    I really wanted to like the good guys as much as everyone else does, but yet I can’t help but not finding them hitting for me as much as it does for others. They’re not horrible characters by any means, but I’m hesitant to pick a favorite since I have stronger preferences for other characters in other stories.

    These are my own personal thoughts.

  10. Personally I think this is what makes Demon Slayer so good. Putting a character in authentic life/death scenarios is not something many mangaka (particularly shonen ones) are brave enough to do.

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