
I know Enmu and all the upper ranks are way stronger than him. But am I the only one who thinks rui is still by far the scariest demon?

I know Enmu and all the upper ranks are way stronger than him. But am I the only one who thinks rui is still by far the scariest demon?

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  1. According to the Fanbook, Rui could actually be around the level of Lower Moons 2 and 1 (before additional Muzan blood injection). He just never cared to challenge the moons above him. And Rui wasn’t even using his peak powers against Tanjiro as he had split his energy by sharing with his “family”.

  2. Rui does look the most terrifying out of the lower moons we have seen so far. Although when it comes to upper moons I would honestly say that >!Gyutaro!< is the most terrifying. >!The whole sequence where he straight up emerges from Daki left an unforgettable impression.!< >!Well that and the time he did a 180-degree turn with his neck in order to bite Tengen’s sword.!< Not to mention design-wise >!he has such a decrepit appearance yet all of his prey mantis-like movements contrast it.!<

  3. Maybe if I was a demon lmao. But I feel like half if his family members were way more scarier than he was. Rui honestly seems like a “Don’t fuck with me & I won’t fuck with you type” On the other hand, Enmu is sadistic so I’d def give it to him as being the scariest demon anime-wise

    >!Upper Moon 5 is the only other demon I feel is terrifying too, I can’t imagine being eviscerated in a damn pot!<

  4. None of the demons showcased in the show have really been scary scary yknow? The show does an excellent job at humanizing them. The only one that scares me is the teeth grinding swamp demon. The ones Nezuko and Tanjiro fought 2v3. Rui is a tortured character one I think youre meant to feel for. His life was taken from him in his youth…

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