
I’m telling you. I could bring a cake, not hook anyone, and sit in basement, and they’d STILL find a way to insult me somehow LMAO

I’m telling you. I could bring a cake, not hook anyone, and sit in basement, and they’d STILL find a way to insult me somehow LMAO

34 Comments Leave a Reply
  1. I don’t understand the need for that kind of energy. Even when I get completely demolished I always just say gg and move onto the next. Ok… 90% of the time at least.

    But for nice killers? 100% I’m saying gg thanks, glhf next game!

  2. I’ve actually once equipped a cake, played basement box bubba, sat in the basement all game, and never attacked anyone until endgame collapse, where they started touching my box. I was honour bound to guard my box, and wound up with a 4k as a result. Their response? Look up my profile, find my name, and send me death threats and slurs for the match even though I literally only attacked them for touching my box in endgame collapse. They could have just left, and they didn’t. SWF groups are something else, man.

  3. Fuck toxic players man. I was on second stage against ebony mori blight who was moriing Dwight on the other side of the map and my hook was right in front of an exit gate when Kate started opening, sharp thinking Kate? No. She opened it looked at me and then left me when I saved her twice.

  4. In one of my matches yesterday evening one of the survivors DCd pretty early, so I thought: “perfect time to get some practice with Ghostface.”

    One survivor turned out to be a really decent looper, so I just chased them all game. Otherwise how would I get better at a killer just purchased?

    In the endgame chat I was completely berated for it. I explained it was because of the DC, and that they were a good looper and it took me awhile to catch them. Literally gave them a compliment on their jukes, and they were still mad “hahaha use your power more, and you won’t get ran for 5 gens, ez ez”

    Even though they were injured to begin with, and I was planning on letting them go regardless due to DC.

    I stg I encounter more toxic survivors, than toxic killers. The killers I get are usually chill asf and polite in end game chat.

  5. This is why I stopped playing all together. Too many people take it seriously and most survivors I encounter are sore winners.

    Not to mention how stale and predictable games are now.

  6. I love how anytime us killer mains face toxicity, it’s always from one of these 3.

    Lowkey miss when I started killer and every Nea was some urban evasion coward and every Claud was a sandbagging Blendette.

    Those days are long gone. Most Neas, Clauds, and Fengs in my lobbies are so damn mean. Idk what it is about these 3 that just attracts the worst kinds of players.

  7. Guys if the endgame chat affects you so much then you should stop reading it… I know that if i read an insult or something it will ruin my mood so i always say gg/gg wp and leave immediately, i don’t see any toxic messages and my mood is way better when I play now.

  8. This is why I only use cakes and streamers with friends. I’ve been burned by randoms whilst playing both sides.

    I wish you could transfer offerings, there’s so many cakes and streamers on killers that I’ll never use.

  9. I’ve been insulted on the post-game chat because I brought BPS and wanted to farm (for a daily). I’ve never even attempted to farm since then

  10. Any killer who brings a cake or streamers with them is okay in my book.

    I’ll probably get tunneled and mori’d, but hey I’ll take the extra bloodpoints. Entity bless.

  11. My experience is different. 2 Last matches that survivors brought party streamers or cake the both left the match with 6k and 1.4k bp. Tunneled and camped to death. I bet they are all Neas with purple flashlight and extra batteries now.

  12. You gotta play for you. Best turn off chat or grow as a person and understand it doesn’t matter what they say, it doesn’t make it true and you still have value. Have fun, enjoy life, consider how others feel but don’t let that own your decision making and rental space in your mind.

    Remember if you have to mad you gotta remember why and it’s a whole big thing. Breathe, learn more about you and make the choices you’re happy watching your kids make.

  13. I get what your saying but afking in the basement is just wasting everyones time.

    AFK killers are arguably more boring than those who just facecamp since I’m forced to remain in the game till we do all the gens.

    A lot of killers seem to think afking is some nice thing to do for the survivors, It’s not – It’s just a waste of time.

  14. I’m sitting on 20+ cakes on a few killers. Doubt I’ll ever use them. Survivors never make them feel worth it. Why should I give them free BP when they’re going to be toxic shitbags regardless?

  15. This is entirely me. I have like 30 cakes left with Plague but damn, some survivors really make me hesitate/regret to use them sometimes. Don’t think jerks deserve those bloodpoints.

  16. Seriously tho my killers sitting on so many cakes because of this. No no no, not with me. I will equip Franklins instead and slap that purple beamer out of toxic fengs stupid face.

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