
[Comic Excerpt] Why hasn’t Jason Todd killed the Joker yet? Or any other major villains? (Batman #641)

[Comic Excerpt] Why hasn’t Jason Todd killed the Joker yet? Or any other major villains? (Batman #641)

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  1. Can’t speak to the comic version of UtRH cause I haven’t read it myself. In the animated movie, it’s clear why he doesn’t want to kill the Joker. It’s because he doesn’t really care about him. He has no interest in personal revenge against him. He has plenty of opportunities to kill him at any point but doesn’t. He only cares about the Joker, in relation to Bruce. In Jason’s mind, the only way Bruce can prove he cares about him is by killing the Joker. That’s what Jason wants, for Bruce to show he loves him enough to break his sacred rule for Joker because he took him away from him. Just as he would’ve done for Bruce had their positions been reversed. If Jason kills the Joker…he achieves nothing. If he kills Joker himself then Bruce has no way of showing that he has any meaning to him by murdering him. That’s all Jason really cares about when he comes back. Everything he does is in service of that goal.

  2. Money, DC can’t afford to kill joker. It’s a problem that both big companies( marvel with punisher) have where they want to have characters that kill but can’t kill any important villains. It’s not like joker is a super sayian or something, the guy just lives because dollar signs

  3. There isn’t going to be a satisfying answer because it’s fiction. Writers won’t have a great answer for this. Characters are written inconsistently at times because the story needs them to be.

  4. Same reason Batman hasn’t killed them. Popular villains are hard to come up with. The Joker “died” in some of his early appearances but they kept bringing him back because he was popular so they just gave up on killing him off.

  5. I feel this way about the punisher in marvel. People say if Punisher were in DC he would have killed Joker. But then why hasnt he killed Fisk, Osborn or whoever. Why hasnt he killed anyone that’s “important”?

  6. Out of universe reason: Because the Joker sells, and even if he did die he’d come back anyway.

    In universe reason: I don’t know, fate I guess? That or Todd is all talk, no action, and likely really just wants Bruce’s attention/approval.

  7. Well, at least in the original story where he returned and the animated movie I think it’s because he honestly cares more about revenge. If he truly bought into what he’s telling Bruce right here, Jason would have killed Joker the second he had him in front of him and been done with it. Instead he beat him with a crowbar and then waited until Batman found them so that he could force him to choose whether he’d let Jason kill him or not. Because Jason doesn’t actually care about making Gotham better. Ironically for him saying that he’ll be what Batman is supposed to be, Jason’s Red Hood during this time is the worst thing Batman can be: an angry child using excuses to lash out at the world that hurt him.

  8. In universe: Batman: Jason pls don’t be bad the batfamily loves you don’t have to be mean to criminals!

    Real reason: DC: How else are we supposed to use villains in our comics if they get killed off?! No stakes allowed in our storylines!

  9. Same reason Punisher has been active for literally decades and never taken out major villains.

    But at least Red Hood tries to be better about not killing every now and then. There’s no excuse for Castle.

  10. In main continuity, he avoids killing or specifically using lethal force in Gotham because he’s trying to be more heroic or respecting Batman’s rules within the city.

    Outside of that, he probably doesn’t go after the Joker because, ultimately, he doesn’t want to kill the Joker. He wants *Bruce* to kill the Joker. For Jason, it’s about Bruce being willing to break the no-kill rule to avenge his murder.

  11. As far as I know, it’s because editorial won’t allow it. The closest I’ve seen of Jason killing a major supervillain was when he shot the Penguin in the head (but he survived).

  12. Because the writers desperately want him to be the cool loner in the Batfamily who has a different code than Bruce, but they still want him to bepart of the family. So they end up neutering him and play by Bruces rules just so they can crossover without issues.

    I rememberhe was literally involved in a war and was fighting terrorists, and the text boxes were still making it clear that ‘I only use rubber bullets now, don’t wanna upset my dad’.

    He had an amazing first story and they haven’t found whatever want to do with him yet.

  13. Honestly, the question I would have in the DC universe is why hasn’t anyone else already killed the Joker?

    Surely there’s a Punisher-type vigilante in the DC universe who would simply lie in wait as a sniper around Gotham and turn his head into a canoe.

    There’d be plenty of vengeful and/or frustrated Gotham PD cops who would happily end the Joker and deal with the show trial aftermath.

    Given the threat most supervillains pose, it’s amazing that there isn’t a federal response to them in-universe, or that superheroes other than Batman aren’t tasked with stopping them.

  14. My feeling is that when it comes down to the wire, he can’t bring himself to do it—maybe because he started out as a hero under Batman and it’s too ingrained. I don’t know, though; he killed other people, didn’t he? So it’s really DC editorial preventing it. I once read a fanfic where Jason did kill the Joker, and then learns that Joker is a magic curse, and whenever you kill the Joker someone else becomes the new Joker, and the new one is always worse. So he stops killing Jokers. I thought that would have worked as a comic book explanation.

  15. Jason Todd has been back from the dead since 2005. Almost 20 years ago. Yet he still hasn’t killed the Joker, or any other major Batman villain. Is there a convincing in-universe explanation as to why?

  16. You see this is a great question and my number 1 reason why i think jason back has a villain doesn t make sense obviously he has a different moral than bruce but jason is technically still à good guy who want to protect the weak and innocent he believe killing criminals however dc won t let him ever kill a major villain and if he does like the time he shot penguin through his fucking eye they somehow survive (plot armor ) he will never change gotham or show his point of view it s why i always prefered jason to have his own city like nightwing
    In his city he could predent his morality and see if it s effective or not .if dc want to show that killing is bad they should do it to jason perspective and not just because “batman is always right ” Jason should see the consequence of his killing and how badly it can affect people and maybe he could be a reason for drop the guns ans killing

    Honestly jason isn t even that difficult to write i don t know what dc can t find a direction for the character

  17. Jason believes that joker is Batman’s responsibility and it’s his fault for every thing that he does. Joker being alive only further proves Jason’s point.

    As for any other villain kinda hard to pin down as writer you kinda want keep your villains alive unless you know what you doing. Jason killing black mask or penguin would be the most optional a person can do if you really want to reintroduce him as villain/ antihero.

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