
Why do people hate this Power Girl costume so much? I think it’s her best one.

Why do people hate this Power Girl costume so much? I think it’s her best one.

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  1. Not a big fan of the logo or it being on one side. Not to big of deal if they want to cover that area up but it could be better. I think a lot of New 52 designs dropped the ball.

    Honestly I didn’t mind when she had an S shield. As confusing as that is given her name.

  2. Tries too hard to look like a mix between her original costume and a Supergirl look while failing on nearly every front. That insignia is god awful. In a vacuum, you’d have no idea what it was supposed to be. The blue touches feel unnecessary and they ditched the signature hairstyle for a middle part making her look even more generic.

  3. It isn’t bad… it is just terribly generic, and PG for better or worse become synonymous with the boob-window, so it not being there is like removing the S from Superman’s chest.

  4. I don’t care for it because of how much of a departure it is from the original that I barely recognize the character. If they want to modernize the costume then they should do it in a more evolutionary way. For example, if they take away the “boob window,” then add a gold Superman shield that is missing the S. This would fit into why PG has the boob window in her original costume. PG doesn’t feel like she has earned the shield. Pants or no pants, have the boots go up to the knee, or right below the knee, and then remove the fold.

  5. Covers the boobs while also putting a kind of bullseye-looking thing on one of her nipples.

    (I mean, that’s mixed messaging in costume design, isn’t it? Covering the cleavage, but putting something bright and eye-catching on one of the boobs so the reader’s eye is drawn there anyway.)

  6. Never seen it before but its uneven. All the attention is on the left shoulder of her body and its hard to draw the eye away from it because the rest of the costume is essentially blank. I’m not looking at her legs, her torso, or even her head. All the attention of the design is on her shoulder.

    Extend the red part to the whole upper body with the logo central. Then give her some red boots (with yellow trim) and you have an ok costume. Maybe replace the white parts with blue and blue with red.

  7. I think this is really overdesigned, which is the issue with almost all the New 52 redesigns. The classic costume was just white, with blue gloves, boots and belt, and a red cape. Plus the boob window, which I could take or leave. Nice and simple. This costume has so many unnecessary details that don’t add up to anything, like the high collar with the weird cord material.

  8. Honestly? It’s just extremely generic, in my opinion. Nothing wrong with you liking it, but there’s nothing really memorable about it to me.

    People clutch their pearls at her original costume but I’ve never really seen it a being overly sexualized. Which, again, is personal opinion. But it seems like the designers of this costume went, “Right, none of that now.” One thing that sticks out here is there’s not enough blue to evoke it’s PG. If you hadn’t seen this design and you showed it to someone there’s no way they think, “Oh, it’s Power Girl”

  9. Lots of har har about boob windows but for real, it’s just not a good design almost entirely due to the emblem.

    It’s strange, difficult to parse at a glance, the size and shape are terrible, it’s just bad. You add in the details on the gloves, the stripe up the side. the neck thingy, it’s just a perfect example of an over designed costume that doesn’t work together.

    Personally if I really wanted to modernize the design I’d just extend the body suit down the legs, replace the boob window with a literal [power symbol](

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