
Ah remember this so called “final panel”. What event happened to the theme of surpassing your fathers? Only Ymir knows

Ah remember this so called “final panel”. What event happened to the theme of surpassing your fathers? Only Ymir knows

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  1. When the panel was originally a full page (rather than the small panel that wasn’t even in the draft for 139), with a differently drawn baby (and a better-looking one at that), and a different speech bubble (implying present time than a memory), you know something changed behind the scenes. There’s a world’s difference between Grisha telling his child he’s free and Eren telling his child she’s free.

    “And they surpassed their father” who did? Mikasa? Since the ending revolved around her lol.

  2. Yam’s trolled the FUCK out of us with this panel. An absolute L.

    Prior to the ending, this image was at the center of Titanfolk’s theories. Madagascar, Norse/Ragnarok, AnR/Geass ending, it didn’t matter. All of it derived from and ended with this panel.

    Little did we expect that this panel was going to be more irrelevant than Armin’s role in the ending. Damn you Isayama!

  3. ” Children Surpassing their parents” theme just disappeared like some of the other things, themes and people.. As if they never existed…💀

    Something definitely happened behind the scene
    But you know who knows ..

  4. Is there anyone who surpassed their father though? Maybe only Gabi and Levi. Eren made matters worse for Eldians, Reiner forced Falco to inherit his titan for his sister’s sake just like Karina had forced him for her own sake, Annie fell in love with abusive daddy, Historia had a child with and married her bully to save her own ass, at least her parents were genuinely attracted to each other, Mi Casa’s dream was to run away with Ereh and traumatize their future children with a lonely life like her own childhood.

  5. Isayama’s hugest mistake was to show this panel

    This picture alone irreversedly devided our fanbase and one of the many reasons why it became such a nuclear dumpster fire.

    I fucking hate this panel now for these reasons

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