
Eren Mikasa and Armin We’re never real friends? Was it all fake?

Eren Mikasa and Armin We’re never real friends? Was it all fake?

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  1. AOT has this weird implication, not entirely uncommon to fiction, that what really matters in life is the friends you made as single digit year-old child. If anything pulls you away from those friends, or if you ever have any higher ambitions, or if you ever make friends with anyone else, that all this is less genuine and less important than your gradeschool compatriots.

    No, Eren, you aren’t allowed to fall in love with the princess and the worst girl in the world, who saved you, you have to marry your creepy sister because you wrapped a scarf around her when she was nine. Nor are you allowed to work with another soldier in Floch, arguably the only one alive who has seen as many comrades die as you, and who has compatible ideology and goals with you. You have to listen to your increasingly incompetent childhood friend who goons to the massacrers of your city and hasn’t had a good idea since “three cups equals three people.”

    This is so annoying watching season 4. The gang realizes that Eren is thinking for himself, and their response is always anger or denial. Connie and even his supposed best friend Armin both consider killing Eren even before the Rumbling, but eventually decide that they can “bring Eren to his senses.” They don’t realize that he’s already had every argument they could present with himself a thousand times over. He has outgrown them. And their response is not to be glad for their friend, but to lash out and to try to shunt him into the pigeonhole of how they imagined him.

    That, I think, and not to stop the Rumbling, is the real reason why they killed Eren. Because they realized he was not the little boy they could control, and whom they thought they understood.

  2. I never really saw them talking about anything else except For The Sea and Titan related stuff .. and maybe that’s why when they grew apart I didn’t feel sad or bad for them.. They were only together because the other serves their own interest..
    There’s never been any genuine feelings to their friendship .. I’ve only seen him having a genuine conversation with Historia..
    Eren was a part of their dream but were they a part of his dream ( Freedom) ??? After they reached “The Sea” they didn’t even notice that their “Friend” is miserable.. the real question is ..did they care?? Did they even try asking him or did they make sure if he was okay ??
    Like Mikasa said “Maybe Eren’s always been like that and we didn’t see it maybe we didn’t want to see it” that says alot about how they viewed him … They never understood Eren or maybe they didn’t want to they wanted to believe the version of Eren that they’ve created in their head which never existed.. Eren has been their friend not sure about Arameen and Meeekasa cause in the end they betrayed him he helped them reach “The Sea” but they didn’t help him reach “Freedom” which wasn’t only for him but for the people of Eldia and The people he cared about.. He made hard decisions and took all the sins in his hands and what did he’s friend’s do ?? They Killed him and His Dreams..

    I won’t say it’s fake but I’m just gonna say that “They Are Just People He knew” people he used to address as “Friends”

    It feels like I might keep writing so I’ll stop .. Thank You For Your Time and Patience if you read this …

  3. We know Eren cares for them. However, they do not. They ignored his feelings and didn’t check up on him when it was obvious that something was up. They also chose their enemies over him, when he chose them over the future of Paradis and the entire world.

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