
Volume 31 Manga Reader Impressions: DATA SUMMARY (Chapters 123-126)

Volume 31 Manga Reader Impressions: DATA SUMMARY (Chapters 123-126)

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  1. Previous ones:

    [Volume 29](

    [Volume 30](

  2. i was like “wait how is eren the mvp of 123?” then remembered that’s where his rumbling speech is originally and it wasn’t just mikasa’s lil flashback lol

  3. 48.1% believe he couldn’t control the pure titans…as the literal founding titan. Was there something I missed? Was there Beast Titan fuckery involved? Pretty sure Eren just said “fuck it”, the moment he went “god mode”.

    Edit: Unless this was before he became the founding titan, then yeah, he couldn’t really do anything at that moment, other than trying to power through to reach Zeke.

  4. 10% of people thought Zeke was the person in the window in 126? I guess we never saw him get enveloped in the manga but Gabi and Reiner should’ve at least have found him after the rumbling began. That’s just a weird theory.

  5. People then, unlike now actually appreciated Annie’s character and didn’t make sh*t up and be hypocrites just to hate on her. Man, I miss old titanfolk.

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