
LOL, For context, the reactors in the video called mikasa “stupid” because they don’t think mikasa have enough will to kill eren

LOL, For context, the reactors in the video called mikasa “stupid” because they don’t think mikasa have enough will to kill eren

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  1. Are they now saying that it’s Mappa’s fault for not adapting the story correctly lol they went from “you don’t understand the story” to “botched adaptation of the actual story”

  2. I find very ironic how EDs were claiming that anime onlies would comprehend the story better and quicker than us manga readers who disliked the ending, and were pointing reacts with people speculating about Eremika and the alliance or just blindly praising the story just to please the audience and maintain their views, but, now that good part of them is criticizing the course that the story is following and its characters, anime onlies became the most stupid part of the fandom for some of them.

  3. I just love how all the EDs are getting triggered that the anime only fans are actually using their brains instead of praying to their lord and saviour Isayama and thinking about EreMika 24/7.

  4. “Botched adaptation” you mean the adaptation which Isayama himself said was his “final cut” of AOT which allowed him to make changes and improvements such as rearranging the Uprising arc for better pacing?

  5. “Botched adaptation of the actual story.”

    Straight-up not true. AOT for the most part has a fantastic adaptation which preserves the core of the source material, and sometimes even elevates it to the next level.

    You want an actual botched adaptation? Try being a Fate/Stay Night fan. Or a Toaru fan. Or a Tokyo Ghoul fan. Or a Chaos; Child fan. Or a Berserk fan.

  6. I genuinely struggle to name a single character trait that Mikasa has other than wanting to protect Eren. I can’t think of a single thing she likes or dislikes or a way she acts or thinks when she’s not worrying about Eren. Like okay she’s an Ackerman and they all have 110 percent efficiency in fighting but that’s not something special about her, just her blood. She’s a complete blank slate

  7. I thought EH made sense because of all the Eren was the father theories. They were pretty cool tbh. There’s 1 huge problem with this tho: If Eren saw all that shit just by kissing Historia’s hand, imagine what he would see if he bones her ????

  8. With the way the ending defenders are reacting to anime onlies and the way the anime onlies react to the anime… and the rest of the anime community using AOT as a laughing stock, we can conclude that ending defenders are just a loud minority of the fandom full of people who just consume the material but don’t let any of it go through their brains over than the ships.

    (I’d also like to argue that before everything was going to shit in the anime, these are the same people who made memes that barely use any context of AOT other than “character strong” and their basic personality traits.)

  9. I stopped watching the anime 2 episodes ago (episode with Annie and hitch). Also stopped watching reactions. I didn’t wanna see some of my favorite reactors start cringing and shit.

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