
Isayama, you’ll have me believe that there’s hundreds of these Marleyan POWs who did nothing for 3 years after Eren destroyed the world?

Isayama, you’ll have me believe that there’s hundreds of these Marleyan POWs who did nothing for 3 years after Eren destroyed the world?

Isayama, you'll have me believe that there's hundreds of these Marleyan POWs who did nothing for 3 years after Eren destroyed the world?

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  1. most likely they weren’t “hundreds”. Also Paradis military probably consists of thousands.

  2. Well niccolo is still there probably live a normal lives now.

    The yeagerist probably executed the lesser known one.

  3. “Paradis having a civil war after 100% rumbling is unrealistic and wouldn’t happen” yeahhhh okay


    For real i was seriously expecting a revolution in Paradis the moment Floch started killing voluntaries.

    In fact, i’m 100% sure they would have been responsible of Paradis destruction had the world fully perished.